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Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jul 13, 2021
It’s the height of the summer and I’m already ready for harvest season. I’ve been reflecting a lot on abundance. It’s hard not to, being...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jun 22, 2021
Red Thread of Summer
As a folk magic practitioner, I make and use a lot of red thread in my practice, not only relying on the folklore from around the world...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jun 21, 2021
**Update: you can still view this class for FREE at IGTV on my Instagram page, just click here to access! Join me on WED June 30, 2021 at...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
May 15, 2021
Detroit Witch Kit
Ok, so I may have gone overboard, but Via Hedera’s Regional Witch Kit prompt really got me reflecting on how much place influences our...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
May 6, 2021
Cincinnati/NKY Regional Witch Kit
When I saw Via Hedera’s post about creating a regional witch kit, I couldn’t wait to gather up my stuff to represent the...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
May 1, 2021
Comfort Knitting
It’s already May. How did that happen? My garden is starting to bloom and I’ve even harvested a few meals worth of leafy greens and...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Apr 25, 2021
Herbal IPA
I recently made an “herbal IPA” drink for my husband, and people were really interested in the recipe, so here it is! IPA stands for...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Apr 24, 2021
My last post I talked about entering Taurus season and the need to slow down and take life at a leisurely pace, and I think my intuition...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Apr 19, 2021
Getting Earthy
To say that things have been busy as of late would be an understatement. I feel like I’ve been running into the future non-stop, so this...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Apr 12, 2021
Witchy Wild Violet Jelly
So many people asked, so here it is! This recipe makes approx. 6 small jam jars of jelly that are perfect for gifts. Unlike traditional...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Apr 3, 2021
Gilded Wings
Moths and butterflies are some of my favorite creatures, and looking through history, it's pretty clear that I'm not the only one...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Mar 29, 2021
Spring has arrived!
It's true, spring is finally here, and while the actual Vernal Equinox was last week, it wasn't until yesterday that I fully felt the...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Feb 27, 2021
A Shawl for Hekate
Mistress who burst forth from the earth, Dog-leader, all-tamer, crossroads goddess, triple-headed, Bringer of light, August virgin, I...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Feb 23, 2021
The (Soft) Sting of the Nettle
illustrations by Nedezhda Illarionova As spring peeks its head around the corner, I am looking forward to the emergence of one of my...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Feb 19, 2021
Krakowianki Strój
There's been a huge interest in learning about Slavic culture, history, traditions, and folkcraft, which I adore seeing. I think people...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Feb 15, 2021
True Magic
Spring magic is almost here...but we've still got a few months. Are you getting stir crazy yet? It’s around this time of the year that I...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Feb 5, 2021
Revolutionary Rest
Once 2021 started I was living on high hopes. It was the start of a new year, and having survived through all that the year 2020 brought,...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jan 26, 2021
Syrenka Warszawska
In reading Annwyn Avalon's books, which heavily reference Celtic folklore, I was reminded of the many bits of Slavic lore around water...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jan 26, 2021
In the Flow
Carrying on with my Queen of Cups theme this year, I thought it was wise to lean into the Queen's watery nature, and made it a point to...

Amber Rose Ostaszewski
Jan 15, 2021
Embodying the Queen of Cups
If you read my last post, you are already aware that my card for the year is the Queen of Cups. She is a favorite of mine, so you can...
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